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Selectmen Minutes, August 12, 2008

August 12, 2008

Present at the meeting that was held at the Town Building were Chairman Thomas Ruggiero and Selectmen Stephen Dungan, Jason Robart, and Ellen Sturgis.

Selectman Kathleen Farrell and Town Administrator William Wrigley were absent.

Also present was Administrative Assistant Susan McLaughlin.

Chairman Ruggiero called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Public Input

Chairman’s Comments
Mr. Ruggiero noted the following:
·       The Boston Post Cane will be presented to Mr. Brown at the upcoming Council on Aging picnic.
·       Departments will be polled about their needs for a fall/winter Special Town Meeting, after which the Board will decide if one is warranted.
·       At the next meeting, Mr. Dungan should be voted as the Selectmen’s member of the Master Plan Committee, with Mr. Ruggiero as the backup.

Land Use Task Force Update
At 7:05, Task Force members Rick Lent and Dot Spaulding visited the Board to present the team’s approach to identifying and categorizing land for possible municipal use. Mr. Lent distributed a grid of proposed activities, listing the type of land by current and future steps to evaluate it.

During discussion, it was agreed that the team will need professional evaluations for selected Town-owned (non-conservation) land and that getting an outside expert’s advice on the issues of using land in conservation restriction was important.

To be ready for the Annual Town Meeting in May, the task force report should be in place by March.

Mr. Lent noted that the task force is feeling sensitive about evaluating privately owned land of over five acres (in Chapter 61 or not) as owners might feel it is presumptuous of the Town.

He also outlined plans for two public forums this fall: one on the process of responding to Chapter 61 land opportunities and one on existing Town-owned conservation and non-conservation lands.

Public Hearing on Pole Location Request for Brookside Cemetery Well
At 7:15, Mr. Ruggiero opened the public hearing for Hudson Light & Power’s request to locate a pole on Boxmill Road to provide electricity to the new well in Brookside Cemetery.

Cemetery Committee member Roy Dudley explained the request to the Board.

At 7:25, after a brief discussion and no further questions, Mr. Dungan moved to close the hearing; Ms. Sturgis seconded; and all voted in favor.

Mr. Dungan then moved to approve a new pole location on Boxmill Road, as shown of the map submitted with the petition; Mr. Robart seconded; and all voted in favor. The Board signed the Pole Location Order, to be processed by the Town Clerk.

State Election Warrant
Mr. Dungan moved to approve the warrant for the upcoming state primary election; Mr. Robart seconded; and all voted in favor. Ms. Sturgis abstained because she is listed on the ballot.

Delaney Project and Dog Waste
Marcia Rising, chair of the Board of Health, presented the Selectmen with a report on the issue of dog waste at the Delaney Project. It is so excessive that it is spoiling the area for walks. At an August 7 meeting with the US Dept of Fish and Wildlife, who own the land, Stow requested a moratorium on dog access. In turn, the US agency agreed to:
·       Post strongly worded signs to dog owners to clean up after their pets.
·       Increase patrols and enforcement.
Ms. Rising said that if conditions do not improve by November 1, stronger measures will be taken.

Economic Development and Property Taxes
Selectman Steve Dungan led a discussion on his research on the potential impact of economic development on property taxes. The Board was joined by Board of Assessors Chairman John Bolton and Principal Assessor Dorothy Wilbur. The discussion touched on a several areas: the use of a single or split tax rate and the positive and negative impacts of economic growth. A resident survey and the Master Plan rollout were both mentioned as ways to involve the townspeople.

Master Plan Committee Meeting
Mr. Dungan reported that the August 11 meeting was on steps to completing the plan. The committee has met with five vendors and has a limited budget of $10,000. One or two public forums will be held this fall and the plan will be complete before Annual Town Meeting in May.

On a related note, Mr. Ruggiero said that the Board should start looking at the position of Economic Development Manager now, not a few months before Town Meeting. He asked that the topic be scheduled for an upcoming meeting. He said the action item was for members to send their files to Ms. McLaughlin and she would make a package of information for the next meeting.

At 8:32 p.m., Mr. Dungan moved to adjourn; Ms. Sturgis seconded; and all voted in favor.  

Respectfully submitted,

Susan McLaughlin
Administrative Assistant, Board of Selectmen

Approved as amended, August 26, 2008